
An Overview & Orientation Guide To Media Literacy Education. CML MediaLit Kit. 2008. Literacy for the 21st Century

My World Media Literacy, developed in partnership by BBC Learning, BBC World Services and Microsoft

Canada’s Centre for Digital and Media Literacy. [Be] Media Smarts. Digital & Media Literacy Fundamentals

Désinformation, mensonge, canular, propagande, la «fausse nouvelle» a été remise au goût du jour sous l’appellation de «fake news» puis de «infox». Mais elle ne date pourtant pas d’hier. Le CLEMI s’est associé a Bibliothèque nationale de France pour traiter cette question essentielle pour notre démocratie par l’étude des documents patrimoniaux. Télécharger les affiches de l’exposition en haute définition

Fake news: art, fiction, mensonge – un dossier pluridisciplinaire en collaboration et avec le soutien de Réseau Canopé. Le dossier aborde d’abord la fabrication des fake news: de quoi s’agit-il exactement? Les artistes fabriquent-ils des fake news? Dans une deuxième partie, la question de la diffusion des fake news est traitée et notamment le pouvoir des images, avant de chercher, dans la troisième partie, à dégager des solutions pour s’en prémunir, en classe ou ailleurs.

Education scholars say youth are duped by sponsored content and don’t always recognize political bias of social messages. Stanford researchers find students have trouble judging the credibility of information online

Critical thinking, as we’re taught to do it, isn’t helping in the fight against misinformation. Stop. Investigae the source. Find better coverage. Trace slaims, quote and media to the original context SIFT and Don’t Go Down the Rabbit Hole.

#ThinkBeforeSharing – Stop the spread of conspiracy theories. 10 infographics to counter conspiracy theories

In today’s digital world, knowing how to read, write, and participate online is a foundational skill next to reading, writing, and arithmetic. At Mozilla, they call this Web Literacy.

The DigEuLit project, funded by the EC eLearning Initiative, had a task of defining digital literacy and developing a framework and tools for digital literacy development in European educational settings. Concepts and Tools for Digital Literacy Development by Allan Martin & Jan Grudziecki

Media literacy is often cited as the solution – but to what problem? Prof. Sonia Livingstone provides an overview of the current debates about the benefits and limits of media literacy: Media literacy – everyone’s favourite solution to the problems of regulation

Nov. 21, 2020 New York Times Interactive. Designed to Deceive: Do These People Look Real to You? By Kashmir Hill and Jeremy White: We created our own A.I. system to understand how easy it is to generate different fake faces.

Защото всички сме проверители на факти: Seeing Isn’t Believing: The Fact Checker’s guide to manipulated video

GAN – технологията зад deepfake в ръцете на добрите: 40 Years on, PAC-MAN Recreated with AI by NVIDIA Researchers | What’s a Generative

Synthesia:‘Deepfake is the future of content creation’ [BBC]

New Anthony Bourdain documentary deepfakes his voice [the Verge, the New Yorker]

If increased suspicion makes it harder for any of us to maintain a “nonfiction consciousness” — to believe that images can teach us true things about the world — what happens to documentary? To the news? To activists who make videos? If the trend toward skepticism and mistrustcontinues — or even worsens, with the mounting certainty of high-quality deepfakes just over the horizon — what happens next? The power and peril of documentaries in a skeptical culture

[Добавено на 20.04.2022 г.]  Broockman, D., & Kalla, J. (2022, April 1). The manifold effects of partisan media on viewers’ beliefs and attitudes: A field experiment with Fox News viewers (open access; downloadable)

Want to understand the media better? Media Theorised. Reading against the grain – five videos supplemented by essays to introduce you to media theorists Roland Barthes, Noam Chomsky, Stuart Hall, Marshall McLuhan & Edward Said and to help you apply some of their critical tools in your everyday encounters with the media

Ways of Reading. Reading with and against the Grain [pp8-10] by David Bartholomae and Anthony Petrosky (Witi comments by Dr. Micah Oelze – Assistant Professor in History @ Adelphi University’s College of Arts and Sciences)

[added on March 24, 2022] Media and the Quest for Identity | 2022 | Andrew McLuhan and prof. Henry Jenkins consider digital media’s role in our quest for identity and touch on social media’s acceleration of topics in the public consciousness, how our sense of identity can be split and shared based on simultaneous experiences & fandoms, and the violence of language surrounding identity [podcast]

[added on March 24, 2022] Every map distorts the world, whether it’s of a local area or the whole Earth. No map can do otherwise, except a map exactly as large as the territory it depicts — though as the author Jorge Luis Borges famously pointed out, that map would be useless. Readi more in: How maps show — and hide — key information about the Ukraine war | Timothy Barney | 2022 | NiemanLab [article]

Here’s a way you can combat fake news. With colleagues, Nick Adams of Goodly Labs has put together a tool called Public Editor that helps ordinary citizens to vet the quality of online news articles. Public Editor has been designed and built by a diverse team including journalists, science educators, sociologists, cognitive scientists, librarians, psychologists, software engineers, and even a Nobel Laureate.

A peek behind the curtain of artificial intelligence. Chomsky vs. Chomsky: First Encounter

With their penchant for social media and memes, young people are interacting with a new and dangerous internet space. When Gen Z is the source of the misinformation it consumes [POLITICO]

A Europe that Protects: The EU steps up action against disinformationAction Plan against Disinformation

EDMO launched – a hub for fact-checkers, academics and researchers to collaborate with each other and actively link with media organisations and media literacy experts, and provide support to policy makers

Tackling Disinformation and Online Hate Speech. 2020. Digital Democracy Monitor Knowledge Hub.
The EU has adopted a soft regulatory approach, focusing on codes of conduct and practice, whereby online providers that shape public discourse have made voluntary commitments.

Борба с дезинформацията за COVID-19: боравене с точни факти JOIN/2020/8 final

План за действие за европейската демокрация: за подсилване на демокрациите в ЕС

Европейските медии в цифровото десетилетие: План за действие в подкрепа на възстановяването и трансформацията

General Secretariat of the Council | Documents & Publications | Library Blog | Reading Suggestion ‘Factfulness: 10 reasons we’re wrong about the world – and why things are better than you think’ by Hans Rosling, Ola Rosling and Anna Rosling Rönnlund

Joan Donovan on what 1990s Internet protest movements share with today’s disinformation campaigns. Trolling for Truth on Social Media

Facebook’s Nick Clegg: You and the Algorithm. It Takes Two to Tango

Prof. Jose Marichal argues that Facebook has radically changed the reasons why we talk to each other about politics and hypothesizes that it has done this by creating platforms that convert political talk into material for personal identity expression and maintenance. As a result, we tend not to talk to each other about politics to find some kind of mutual understanding, but for the purposes of projecting and maintaining an online identity of which politics is a part.

One of the many weird things about reporting on QAnon is that you inevitably start thinking like a conspiracy theorist yourself. HBO’s QAnon Doc Falls Into Traps Around The Rabbit Hole

“The native language of the digital world is probably video, not text—a trend missed by the literate classes that dominated the public dialogue in the predigital era. I’ve noticed that many young people start their Web searches on YouTube”. [and] YouTube’s Recommendation Algorithm Has a Dark Side. It leads users down rabbit holes. И още по темата от Zeynep Tufekci: YouTube, the Great Radicalizer.

Harvard Kennedy School’s Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy Technology and Social Change Project The Media Manipulation Casebook – a digital research platform linking together theory, methods, and practice for mapping media manipulation and disinformation campaigns; intended for researchers, journalists, technologists, policymakers, educators, and civil society organizers who want to learn about detecting, documenting, describing, and debunking misinformation.

Facebook loophole series A Guardian investigation exposes the breadth of state-backed manipulation of the platform. Revealed: the Facebook loophole that lets world leaders deceive and harass their citizens In addition to shaping public perception of a political leader’s popularity, fake engagement can affect Facebook’s all-important news feed algorithm. Successfully gaming the algorithm can make the difference between reaching an audience of millions – or shouting into the wind.

Според национално представително проучване на Медийната програма за Югоизточна Европа на Фондация “Конрад Аденауер” и социологическата агенция “Алфа Рисърч” 8,8% от гражданите са променили решението си за кого да гласуват в следствие на медийното отразяване на последната предизборна кампания (парламентарните избори на 4 април). Допитването е реализирано чрез лични интервюта с над 1000 души в периода 27-30 март 2021 г. Видеозапис от представянето на резултатите и изводите на 14 април.

Mozilla Web Literacy 2.0 White Paper (вижте и актуализираната Mozilla Web Literacy Map в Ресурси)

Unreliability – a chapter from The Living Handbook of Narratology – fundamental concepts and theories. Based on the Handbook of Narratology edited by Peter Hühn, John Pier, Wolf Schmid and Jörg Schönert; first published by Walter de Gruyter in 2009.

Критерият non-notable или какво няма да откриете в Wikipedia. Случаят Майк Мазник

Professional fact-checkers turn to Wikipedia as a starting point to investigate the potential biases or agenda of a source. A quick search in Wikipedia for example reveals that the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) is an anti-vaccination advocacy group.

To navigate all the junk on the internet, you need powers of critical thinking — but also critical ignoring. Learning to ignore information is not something taught in school.

Shaping Europe’s digital future. Strategy for artificial intelligenceThe decisions that we make will shape our way forward with #AIsays Aimee van Wynsberghe (a professor of ethics in technology at university of Delft)

Europe fit for the Digital Age: Commission proposes new rules and actions for excellence and trust in Artificial Intelligence The Commission is proposing the first ever legal framework on AI, which addresses the risks of AI and positions Europe to play a leading role globally

EU research and innovation projects in artificial intelligence – disinformation (Factsheet)

A New Way of Looking at Trust in Media: Do Americans Share Journalism’s Core Values? – a study by the Media Insight Project — a collaboration of the American Press Institute and The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research — that examined public attitudes toward five core values of journalistic inquiry.


Only 11% of Americans fully embrace all five of these principles

И коментарът на проф. Джей Росен в неговия Twitter


Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism: Listening to what trust in news means to users: qualitative evidence from four countries. Similarities and differences between audiences’ and journalists’ perspectives

2021 World Press Freedom Index: Journalism, the vaccine against disinformation, blocked in more than 130 countries

Thierry Breton: I believe that we should prepare a “European Media Freedom Act”. Our legislative arsenal should be strengthened in order to ensure that #MediaFreedom & #Pluralism remain the pillars of our democracies
@ThierryBreton Apr 19

Freedom House Nations in Transit 2021: Bulgaria’s Democracy Score declined from 4.54 to 4.50; Independent Media score examines the current state of press freedom, including libel laws, harassment of journalists, and editorial independence; the operation of a financially viable and independent private press; and the functioning of the public media. 3.50/7.00 (3.25 за Унгария; подиндикаторът с най-нисък резултат, следван от Корупция) Оценка: Bulgaria is Semi-Consolidated Democracy.

Етичен кодекс на българските медии, решения по жалби за нарушения на кодекса и становища и препоръки на Националния съвет за журналистическа етика. Чрез утвърждаването на единни професионални стандарти, популяризиране на медийната саморегулация и правото на засегнатите лица на жалба, Съветът работи за повишаване на информационната култура на аудиторията и създаване на потребност за търсене на точна, проверена и балансирана информация.

In the digital world, in which millions of Times readers absorb the paper’s journalism online, there is no geographical “Op-Ed,” just as there is no geographical “Ed” for Op-Ed to be opposite to. It is a relic of an older age and an older print newspaper design. Why The New York Times Is Retiring the Term ‘Op-Ed’

The Real Reason Fans Hate the Last Season of Game of Thrones By Zeynep Tufekci
It’s not just bad storytelling — it’s because the storytelling style changed from sociological to psychological

An Illustrated Field Guide to Social Media. This field guide looks at social media that works on different “logics” than do Facebook, Twitter, or YouTube. No field guide would be complete without images. Much as a field guide to birds helps us look more closely at the birds we encounter on a walk through our neighborhoods, Fiammetta Ghedini’s remarkable illustrations in this field guide help us look at social media differently. Published by Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University. 2021.


new: Can This A.I.-Powered Search Engine Replace Google? It Has for Me.
[pdf from the original]

By Kevin Roose

Kevin Roose used the Perplexity search engine for several weeks to report this column.
A start-up called Perplexity shows what’s possible for a search engine built from scratch with artificial intelligence.

new: Facts not Fakes: Tackling Disinformation, Strengthening Information Integrity

04 Mar 2024 141 pages English Also available in:French

This publication is the work of the OECD Directorate for Public Governance (GOV), under the leadership of Elsa Pilichowski, Director. It was prepared by GOV’s Anti-Corruption and Integrity in Government Division, under the direction of Julio Bacio Terracino, Head of Division. The report was drafted by Craig Matasick, Nuria Villanova, and Liudas Zdanavicius, with contribution from Charles Baubion. The report benefitted from editorial assistance and was prepared for publication by Meral Gedik.

3. Fostering societal resilience to disinformation

3.2. Media, information, and digital literacy is essential to developing a systemic approach to building societal resilience

new: Inoculation Theory and Misinformation

Riga, October 2021 NATO STRATCOM COE

Authors: Dr Jon Roozenbeek and Professor Sander van der Linden, Cambridge Social Decision-Making Lab, Department of Psychology, University of Cambridge

new: Tackling misinformation through media literacy

Publication date 26 February 2024
Author: Joint Research Centre
EU Policy Lab tags Behavioral insights

new: Chasing the ‘Runaway World’: The Politics of Recent Globalization Theory

This article is a review of the recent work of three of the most prominent and prolific social theorists of today: Anthony Giddens, Ulrich Beck and Zygmunt Bauman. The primary focus of this review will be the question of globalization, which has been the subject of recent books by each of these thinkers. It will be argued, however, that the positions taken by Giddens, Beck and Bauman on this question can only be fully understood against the backdrop of their recent political writings. In view of this, specific attention will be paid to the politics of their theories of, and responses to, globalization. The article will proceed by elucidating the positions forwarded by each of these thinkers, before moving, in conclusion, to a critical appraisal of their respective works.

Zygmunt Bauman: Globalization: The Human Consequences (Cambridge: Polity, 1998).
Ulrich Beck: What Is Globalization? (Cambridge: Polity, 2000).
Anthony Giddens: Runaway World: How Globalization is Reshaping Our Lives (London: Profile Books, 1999).

new: Swedish Ambassador to the U.S. and Others on Disinformation

Officials from the Swedish Psychological Defence Agency and others discuss countering disinformation campaigns during a conversation co-hosted by the Embassy of Sweden and the Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensics Research Lab. Topics included focusing on critical thinking, building trust in government, and building resilience in moments of polarization. The panelists were introduced by Swedish Ambassador to the U.S. Karin Olofsdotter

new: Online searches to evaluate misinformation can increase its perceived veracity

Although conventional wisdom suggests that searching online when evaluating misinformation would reduce belief in it, there is little empirical evidence to evaluate this claim. In this article, published in Nature at the end of 2023, the researchers present consistent evidence backed by five experiments, that online search to evaluate the truthfulness of false news articles actually increases the probability of believing them.

new: Blaming the media is what got Democrats into this mess

The aide said that guys like me were “in what we call the reality-based community,” which he defined as people who “believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality.” I nodded and murmured something about enlightenment principles and empiricism. He cut me off. “That’s not the way the world really works anymore,” he continued. “We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality.” | by Nate Silver. Silver Bulletin. Jul 08, 2024

new: If the medium is the message, what is the message of AI?

Marshall McLuhan famously argued that the medium matters more than the content it carries: the medium is the message. E.g. TV has made all news into entertainment. Or, social media has turned everyone into a content creator, and everything into a collective performance of the crowd. So what’s the message of generative AI? As Ezra Klein rightly suggests, it is that humans are replaceable. | by Charley Johnson. Untangled. Jul 07, 2024